Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sans ouvrir la bouche

Sans ouvrir la bouche - without saying a word.

The Francophile likes to surf the web. On French TV, at BFMTV, he came across this article about the former (ancien) president of France, Nicholas Sarkosy.

"Sur Facebook, Sarkozy "occupe le terrain sans ouvrir la bouche."

Literally, the the sentence translates at "On Facebook, Sarkozy occupies the ground without opening the mouth." A better translation is "On Facebook, Sarkosy wins the day without saying a word."

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

Tant Pis

Tant pis, (pronounced tan pee) can signify a range of emotions from "never mind" to "tough sh*t".

Voyez et écoutez Joyce Jonathan chante Tant pis:

From the lyrics and the refrain:

J'ai beau faire le tour du monde.
I am making a grand tour of the world
(or, I could make a trip around the world)

Mais tout me ramène à toi
But everything reminds me of you.

T'es partout à la fois 
You are everywhere at once

Il y a d'autres histoires d'amour qui n'attendent que moi
There are other loves that won't wait just for me

Mais tant pis
But tough sh*t (Never mind, Too bad)

C'est avec toi que je me sens 
It is with you that I am alive (feel)

Thursday, February 14, 2013