Sunday, February 10, 2013

I don't know

Je sais pas.

On pourrait dire, "Je ne sais pas," mais Celine Dion chantais, "Je sais pas."

Faire du neuf avec du vieux

"Faire du neuf avec du vieux." Turn the old into the new.

Literally, make something new with something old.

Inspiration for this post came from ParisDailyPhoto. Maybe, you will want to check it out.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Get to work - mette au travail

As an informal command say, "Mette au travail."

Il faut que je mette qu travail maintenant pour que nous puissions jouer demain. 

It is necessary to get to work now so we can play tomorrow.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

What's wrong?

Qu'est qu'il ya? Literally, "What is it?" but, also, "What is wrong?"

Watch the trailer for the movie Amour, 33 seconds in.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

à toutes les sauces

à toutes les sauces

Litterally, the phrase translates as "with all the sauces". Take the sentence, "Employer un mot à toutes les sauces." In  English, "Use a word very loosely."

Consider, "Les politiciens utilisent cette expression à toutes les sauces," which translates as "Politicians use this expression loosely."

Other funny French idioms.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year - Bonne année

Bonne année et bonne santé is the classic French saying to wish one a Happy New Year. Literally, it is "good year and good health".

New Year's Eve is the celebration of la Saint-Sylvestre, the 33rd pope who is credited with converting the Emperor Constantine, the first Roman emperor who converted to Christianity. The feast is called le Réveillon de Saint-Sylvestre and includes champagne and foie gras. The celebratory party ranges from an intimate dinner to a grand ball, une soirée dansante.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Joyeux Noël

Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas, of course.

La nuit avant Noël s'appelé La Veillée de Noel. La veillée est avant la messe de minuit. La famille se réunit autour de la bûche de Noël que brûle dans la cheminée. C'est l’occasion pour la familie ensemble de chanter, rire, et partager un petit repas de fête.

 The image of earth is from NASA images and is copyright free.